400+ hospitals automated. 800+ businesses streamlined. One fully Integrated Compliance Management software platform developed alongside healthcare & business professionals.
Know your environment’s status in real-time with a cloud-based system that validates without any server lag.
Explore all features
Consolidate facility compliance tools into a single platform versus using multiple, disparate systems.
Why you need ICM
Your facility is prepared for any accreditation survey with instant data, reporting, and our survey team consulting.
Why choose Soleran
Use consulting and software solutions to streamline compliance, processes, and analytics. Up-to-the-minute information creates better time and cost efficiencies, and in the case of ICM, even saves lives through compliance.
Streamline compliance
Unlimited cloud storage
Increase efficiencies
Unlimited users
Create a safer environment
Up-to-the-minute info
An extension of our implementation and integration services, Soleran’s dedicated on-site Managed Services Representative handles the day-to-day specifics of your facility’s Soleran solution.
Save time & resources with Soleran Integrated Compliance Management.