Assessing risk and the execution of risk mitigation has never been easier. Automated reminders keep the project team in the loop by combining 4 applications that manage every aspect of risk and incidents.
The complete Safety Manager Suite manages and stays on top of every aspect of your facility's safety, security and risk needs.
Manage officer rounds with ease
Receive instant access to detailed incident reports through the incident log for administrators and dispatchers
Assess risk and risk mitigation execution by utilizing our Security Vulnerability Assessment
Stay on top of required fire drills
Manage officer rounds with ease to ensure nothing falls through the cracks.
Quickly and easily log daily rounds to minimize risks
Officer checkpoint logging
Scan QR codes at each checkpoint during rounds
Utilize on-the-go mobile incident reporting & automatically route incident notifications
Automatically schedule your fire drills. Set it up once and let the schedule run.
Select the appropriate type of fire notification area
Create a 10-day window to conduct the drill during the appropriate shift for the correct area
Create fire incident reports to track real fires & false alarms.
Electronically track fire watches to completion.
With over 800 businesses streamlined, cloud-based reporting and analytics, Soleran allows your company to do more with less & outsmart the competition.
Soleran's Integrated Compliance Management (ICM) platform helps you lower operating costs, optimize your resources, and increase efficiencies.
Save time & resources with Soleran Integrated Compliance Management