Designed to take the administrative burden off of you and let the system automate it all, Soleran's Rounding Suite includes 5 applications to help you manage every aspect of your physical environment tour process from documentation to closing the loop.
When you complete a round, there is no more work to complete. Soleran's Rounding Suite will handle the rest based on your workflow.
All collected data is instantly available to other users
Deficiency notifications and tasks are sent automatically
Easy, managed scheduling of rounds and anti-ligature assessments
Custom dashboards support EOC process improvements
Closing the loop is easy to do with a simple closeout form. Just a few fields notify all parties what work was done to close out the deficiency.
Custom escalation paths create notifications if your team needs assistance closing out deficiencies
If your department manager forgets to close out a deficiency, we’ll keep reminding them until it’s complete.
Allow departments to self-report on what chemicals they’re using in each area and for what purpose
Ensure the latest information is at your fingertips when the next emergency strikes
Create a one-off tracer as needed
Scheduling the rounds is quick and easy for new tracers
Access our tracer library with over 100 tracers
With over 800 businesses streamlined, cloud-based reporting and analytics, Soleran allows your company to do more with less & outsmart the competition.
Soleran's Integrated Compliance Management (ICM) platform helps you lower operating costs, optimize your resources, and increase efficiencies.
Save time & resources with Soleran Integrated Compliance Management