• Complete management of above ceiling permits
  • Optimize vendor management
  • Streamlined permit approval process

Above Ceiling Permit Manager allows you complete control over the permit approval process. Similar to our other permit manager applications you are able to apply, review, and approve above ceiling permits all online! Included with the tool are a variety of vendor management tools allowing oversight for credentialing, training, check-in, and badging. Your vendors or employees can now apply for an above ceiling permit online through one seamless portal. The above ceiling permit form will be completely customized to match your requirements and any rework, review notes, or approvals will be sent automatically to the appropriate party. This means your vendors can now apply and print off permits without stepping on-site.

How hospitals & businesses reimagine compliance

“When I leave the unit, I’m done. There is really nothing else you need to do. Time saved is at least 20 hours a week just doing reports.”

Johns Hopkins Hospital

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